Our netball team received their certificates for working well as a team - 2 wins, 2 draws and 1 lost game- not bad for our first round of matches. League matches start again in March 2014
The deep end swimming group completed their personal survival tests and proudly show their certificates.
They competed tasks wearing several layers of clothes, showed they were able to tread water for a sustained period,were able to huddle together to conserve heat and survive as a small group and answer questions based on survival in open and deep water. Life skills-well done all.
Distance badges
Children completed their distance badges-here are most of the new distances achieved .Children worked hard all term and most were able to improve their distances within the 40 minute lesson.
Distances ranged from 75 m up to 1000m !
The missing certificates from last term!
A special mention to Chloe and Conor for achieving 1000m.
They had to stop as the lesson ended-they could have kept going!
1km-not bad swimming!