Sunday, 27 April 2014

Inspire+ Legacy Tour

Chris Graves from Inspire+ came together with children from Barkston School to tell us about the Legacy Tour relating to the Commonwealth Games.Bronze Ambassadors from Barkston passed the baton to us together with Clyde-the 2014 mascot- and read the pledge encouraging us to remember the Olympic Values and the importance of sport. (see whole school blog for more photos).
Barkston Children reading the Legacy pledge to us.

Handing over of Clyde and the baton.
Chris then got Jess to demonstrate the SKTour bike time trial challenge.
Here Amy draws our team for the mini olympics in June-Jersey.We are representing Jersey so now we need to find out all about Jersey-where it is, what it is like, what is special about it etc.
Our Bronze Ambassadors will visit Ancaster School  on Monday to pass the baton on and to continue the tour around all the schools in the area.

Friday, 25 April 2014

SK Tour-The Bike Time Trials

After Chris Graves from Inspire+ had delivered the Commonwealth Mascot and Baton to us, he also brought the time trial bike that years 4, 5 and 6 all had a turn for minute to see how far they could cycle.
It was hard work and very tiring!
The tour is to celebrate the Tour de France that actually starts in England this year so Inspire + have set up  a SK Tour.
 Will we find the next Bradley Wiggins or Chris Froome?

Results will be posted next week. A lot of year 5 and 6 managed between 0.35 and 0.40 of a mile.
From these results the best Y4, 5 and 6 plus one other will be selected to make a team of 2 girls and 2 boys that will compete in the SKTour on July 7th at The Meres .

Netball Festival

On the last Thursday of term we took part in the local High 5 Netball Festival. We played 10 games-won 4 , drew 4 and lost 2. We played well and drew against some large town schools-The National School and Cliffdale which is good as they have many more children to select teams from! We lost 1-0 to Long Bennington who went on to win the festival again this shows how well we played.
 The courts are much bigger than our one!