group learning how to hold bat and "rock it like a baby"
and catch
hit and hold the position
how to throw-arm position
how high will it bounce?
batting 1:1
a mini game
in the nets
and hit....good job the net held or a black eye for me taking the photo!
5 points for a catch
this is how...
aim and hit the stumps
good power
mid way through-Mrs Chadwick thought a snack would be good
demonstrating how to throw long distance and still hit the wickets
just like that
take aim- 3 hits needed for this game
who will hit the cone in the middle?
5 points for a catch, then throw at the wicket for 5 more points
in the nets
good catching position
and catch
ready for any height catch
more 1:1 coaching tips
excellent body position ready to hold on to the catch
another game
head still, watching the ball
Group Photo at end of the session.
Many thanks to Belvoir Cricket Club and to Mr Robinson who invited us to attend this session. A fantastic opportunity that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.