Friday, 27 June 2014

Small School Sports at The Meres

On June 20th 22 children were selected to represent Marston at the Small School Sports day at the sports stadium.Events were to include:sprints, sack, bean bag race, hoop race, egg and spoon and relays.Lots of parents came to watch and support ( and transport us their and back).
Our team at the start waiting for the races to begin

                                                                    Amy in the sack race

in action
Jasper in the potato race

Alex in the potato race

Daniel in the relay

                                                        Arthur waiting for the Y2 egg and spoon
well on his way 

Fin in the relay

Georgie in the girls relay

Harley in the medley relay

Isabelle in the skipping race

in mid flight

Jasper in the medley relay

Jasper in the potato race

Levi in the sprint race

Levi in the relay

Maddie waiting for her race-the hoop race

Riley in the egg and spoon

                                                             Sophie in the relay
Veranika in the relay

Success for the medley relay team-Y6, Y5,Y4 Y3-proudly displaying their medals
Arthur and his winning medal.

Amy and her medal.
A successful afternoon-everyone gave their best-some super individual efforts as well as the team events.As well as medals lots of children gained 1st, 2nd and 3rd place stickers in their  heats, thus qualifying for the finals.

Sports Day June 2014

June 10th and a sunny day for our sports day-what could be better?
egg and spoon 

sack race relay

good to go

standing long jump

Y5/6 organising the team

                                                                    ready and waiting
bean bag relay


baton relay

next house ready for sack race relay

more bean bag relay

ready for our drinks after our house events

Dickens ready...

                                                                   class 1 sprint races

don't look across- eyes ahead!

almost there

next race

who is going to win?

                                                                           class 2

will Jasper win?

looks pretty close so far

Levi in the lead

class 3

go Harley

pleased it is all over!happy with the result too

it's along way for Y6!

how far?

good action girls

relay teams at the start line

toddlers race-helped by older children

Mrs Chesterton, a governor, presenting the house events trophy

House Captain and the blue of Bronte

Mrs Brown, a governor, presenting the sprint race trophy-Bronte winners

Relay race trophy-blue for Bronte-again!
First time that the same house has won all 3 trophies.
A great afternoon, sunshine, team effort,Y5&6 leading their teams, parents watching and supporting, governors and staff recording scores...
Excellence, determination,respect, courage , friendship, inspiration-our Olympic values we certainly showed them today.