Groups had to practise their throwing and catching skill in PE by making up repeating patterns with the rule-no passing to adjacent people.How many patterns could be thrown and caught in 30seconds? Then repeat and try to beat their personal best score=PB+1.
Some teams then introduced a second ball- colour coded to make it easier.
For our warm up we had practised a "ready for action stance- knees bent, hands ready..." and this can be seen at times in the games.
some super ideas and PB'S+1.
Glad we waited for the mist and fog to disappear -swopping English time for PE time - English in the fog didn't matter - PE would have been cold!
Great "ready pose"-no prompting needed.
a bit too wide -but really starting to think about warm up skill and why it is useful.
Looks as if this group are sitting out-no! They found out that one ball passed round high and the other passed round low worked well.
Cool down-every time Mrs Chadwick did the "ready" stance, children had to copy! Trouble is they got closer and closer!
The aim was to walk round, watch and copy!
Getting really close-but super fast reactions copying "ready."
Tag Rugby Club
Children in KS 2 continue to learn new skills and enjoy Tag Rugby coaching with Will.
Tag belts worn ready for this game.
looking ready....go....
Dodging the catchers who will take the tags if they can.
Good fun as well as developing our rugby skills.