Saturday, 24 September 2016

Bronze Ambassadors

Our new Bronze Sports Ambassadors (Hannah,Jasper ,Matthew and Rory) were voted for by their peers in Class 3 to represent us as our new sports ambassadors.We attended our first training to learn about the role expected of us.
first activity-what do you think your role is?

which of these statements are important?

wearing our new T shirts (hiding biscuits behind their backs- it was obviously hard work requiring lots of biscuits as they kept going back for more!)

what we think we will do in school

all the new ambassadors

just our 4 .

Friday, 23 September 2016

Cross Country

Once again we entered 2 teams in to the Grantham area cross country races.
The first race took place in 30 degree heat last week and was a real test for all competitors.
Our team before the races.
Jasper was our highest placed boy coming 4th and Hollie and Hannah came 23rd and 24th for the girls team. All our runners did well coming between 4th and 68th place out of approx. 120 runners in each race.
race 2- a cooler day

children before the races-jaffa cake time to give a quick energy boost

boys stretching

more warm ups

start of the girls race...




walking to receive place tickets

hot and happy-Lily improved from 60th to 42nd Hollie from 23rd to 21st and Isabelle maintained her place in the 30's.

Start of the boys race...

Jasper improved from 4th to 3rd,Arthur from 43rd to 34th and all boys finished above 64th.
Well done all runners for representing the school in the first competition of the year.

Disability Sports with Inspire+

This term each class is learning disability sports coached by Carl from Inspire+.Classes have played Boccia and this week seated volleyball.
teams had to score points by aiming for the hoops

                                     extra points if Boccia Ball landed on the central spot

Carl summarising what we had learned today.
seated volleyball- only 2 photos as matches got very cometitive and there was no time for taking photos- keeping scores instead!