Sunday, 29 January 2017

Sportshall Indoor Athletics Competition.

Friday afternoon saw 14 children representing the school in the Indoor Athletics competition. Children could take part in a maximum of 2 track and 2 field events.Events included various relay events covering different distances and an obstacle relay as well as  the track events :chest pass throws, standing jump, triple jump, vertical jump, javelin and speed bounce.

Our sky-blue team before the events .

We couldn't take many photos as it was hard not to include children from other schools and it was also rather hectic ensuring that the right children took part in their event in different places around the sports hall.

Our 4X1 relay team ready to run...

Our 4x1 boys relay team ready.

great start position

fabulous effort both teams
While results are collated it was time for the teachers javelin and Mrs Barnes stepped up to the mark whilst the children watched and urged her on...
Not quite as far as our brilliant javelin throwers-Rory, Arthur, Lily and Isabelle- we will get them to start coaching us before next year!

Awaiting the results...

We've really tried hard and done well in many events( quite difficult to tell as there were  9school teams and so there were 2 heats against the clock etc)

We did it-3rd place and therefore bronze medallists- we couldn't be happier.
Well done everyone- super team work and super result.

Goal Ball Competition

5 children represented us in the disability sport of Goal Ball. Children had to wear blindfolds and listen for the  ball that had bells in it- not easy.
Our team of 5 with 3 allowed on the court per game.

Stretching full length to try to stop the ball.

When we had the ball it was time to aim for our opponents goal.

You could stand to 'serve' or kneel to try to score a goal.

The ball well defended by Isabelle.

A great defensive line.

Ball stopped now we can go for goal.

A goal celebration.

Well done team- you didn't win but a member of staff from another school said you were the best team in terms of behaviour  and for  team work- very commendable.

BISI Badminton Festival

Another busy week of sport with 3 teams representing the school: 2 teams in the BISI Badminton festival and 1 in the Goal Ball competition.
                                                        Our BISI boys team.
Our BISI girls team

Children took part in a variety of badminton skills based tasks ...

working as a team and in pairs.

 skill and accuracy needed to get the shuttle to land in the hoop
catching the launched shuttle

Our teams receiving their certificates in celebrations assembly.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Boccia Competition

On Thursday we entered a team in the very popular Boccia festival at Kings School Sports Hall.We chose year 6 who had not yet had the opportunity to represent the school and the 5 children were thrilled and very proud to have been chosen.Mrs Barnes accompanied the children and said they were a delight to take, so well behaved and they played excellent Boccia, learning how to develop their game as the afternoon progressed.
Boccia is played sitting down aiming  the boccia ball at the jack.Turns are then taken depending who is closest to the jack.Tactics are needed in order to school points and knock the oppositions ball out the way.

Inspire+ ambassadors helped score the matches.

Games consisted of 3 legs per game.

4 of our squad- smart and proud wearing school jackets

great scoring- we were red!

We played 7 competitive matches winning 3, drawing 1 and losing 3.
We came 6th overall ( if we had won 1 more match we would have come 2nd showing just how close it was.
Fabulous work Boccia team.