Sunday, 26 February 2017

Tag Rugby, Hockey Club and Mini Games club in week of of term 4.

Tag Rugby.
We welcomed back Kesteven Rugby coach Will Pert to coach us in Tag Rugby. For half the class this was new and some had never handled a rugby ball before.
It was also difficult as you run with the ball as opposed to not running with the ball as I've been telling the class in netball!
Old favourite 'stuck in the mud' just to warm class up.
Making everyone think about using the space of the field.
2 teams and the aim to successfully throw and catch 4  consecutive passes. 
Next  games was to score a touch down over the try line by passing the ball down the field.

Rather bunched up- not using all the available space.
A good first session- more next week.

Hockey Club.
We welcomed back coach Peter to coach hockey to year 4,5 and 6.After a safety talk regarding the actual hockey sticks, skills activities children enjoyed putting these skills to use in a team game.
Run up to the 'nest of balls' take one and dribble back to the team.

Coach encouraging correct handling of the stick.

Team members encouraging their team mates.

Which team could collect the most balls?

Mini Games Year R,1,2 and 3.
Coach Colin had a full club keen to put their multi skills to good use in their mini games club.
Using the climbing frame as a target using different throws , points were scored when a target was hit.

Teams taking turns...

coach giving advice about which throw and how to throw accurately...

children getting competitive...

                  Lions, tigers and  leopards all waiting to see who had won this team game.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Swimarathon and gym competitions.

On Saturday Feb.4th 3 teams consisting of parents, past pupils, siblings and pupils of Marston School took part in the annual Rotary club swimarathon event.
Our teams swam154, 178 and 184 lengths in their allotted 55minute slot(the adults managed to pip the boys right at the end- they were determined not to be beaten!)
Here the 10 children from class 3 show their certificates and those of their mums, dads, brothers and sisters.A total of just over £600 has been pledged- a fabulous effort .

These 3 also took part in the swimarathon in Brownies and Cubs teams.

Gym Club.
Mrs James took 2 teams to compete in the Under 7's novice and under 9's intermediate competition.
Here the under 7's have a short run through before they set off.

55 gymnasts in 11 teams took part with our team coming 8th with a score of 74.7/100.(The winning team scored 83.6).The gymnasts were scored out of 10 on 2 pieces:floor and vault.

Isabelle joined the team photo.

The under 9 team had 25 gymnasts in 5 teams and we came 5th with a score of 119.3out of 150. The winning team scored 128.Gymnasts were scored on 3 pieces: floor, vault and body management.
All gymnasts received a badge and their certificate( see school blog).Isabelle and Olivia received a 2 star badge because for their scores.
Well done ll for representing the school ad a special thank you to Mrs James for coaching the gymnasts and taking them to the competitions.

Badminton in class 3- devising our own games.

For the last session of the term children were split into randomly generated groups and asked to devise a game/ activity based on badminton skills they had learned over the term.The children were limited with space and equipment as all 28 were playing at once.
Once a game had been devised it was demonstrated to the class who would then play it later and evaluate it.

Groups included throwing, catching, aiming as well as racket skills.

Agility was also included.

Time now for a round robin of events.

Groups rotated round trying all activities.

At the end we evaluated and discussed what was successful and what could be improved. The main thing for improvement was time- groups needed more time for everybody to have a tune at some activities.I was very impressed and will use some of the ideas next year when we do badminton again.

Squash Club

Friday, February 17, 2017

Squash club

Colinhas now finished his 5 week coaching session where Y 4,5 and 6 enjoyed learning squash and squash related games eg' Sqwicket.'

Boys versus girls- it got very competitive...
tryting to stop a run being scored...

a catch...

Protective eye goggles were worn for safety.

The boys just won!