Friday, 19 May 2017

Dance Club

We used the parachute for our warm up this week. To answer the register we had to tell Michelle something good about our week.

We were dragons, badgers and tigers and when our name was called we had to change places under the parachute.

Badgers go...

Next we cat -walked to music showing something we will be doing this summer then help a freeze frame for the camera.The routine was for a pretend camera but I was invited in to take real photos.

I saw swimming, climbing, cartwheels and jumping- all things children hope to be doing this summer.

A super group pose.

Our Mile Challenge

After our Legacy Tour assembly each class had time to complete as many miles as they could by running, walking jogging or a mix of these.As the weather was foul, we had marked out a track in the hall and calculated that we needed to complete 25 of these to equal 1 mile! The Bronze Ambassadors were on hand to demonstrate the circuit and to run with the children from each class.(They were determined to do as many miles as they could between the 4 of them and as a result they managed to run for most of the day - taking rests in relay style-and had very red faces at the end)

Class 1 with Mrs Knott running with the children.

Waiting their turn- jumpers were quickly discarded!

Class 3 ...

Class 2...

Everyone joining in...

cheering on class mates

helping with the route


walking the route due to an injury

which way?

that way- to the red spot

We completed 94 miles! WOW a tremendous effort everyone and a HUGE thank you to Jasper, Matthew, Rory and Hannah for running about half of these miles either with other children or in relay style themselves!

Legacy Tour Inspire+

On Wednesday we welcomed Claypole school to pass on the Legacy Tour to us.Mr.Well brought their Bronze Ambassadors to us to pass on the Tshirt that all schools are signing for Ben Smith ( see previous Blogs)
Our Bronze Ambassadors having a run through with Zoe from Inspire+.

Our visitors.

Remembering the success of Rio 2016.

Thinking about healthy eating.

Our Legacy Challenge Log books that we will all be completing .

Ben setting his challenge : How many miles can you run in the school day?
See next Blog for photos and results.

The Legacy Pledge being read to us prior to the handing over of the Tshirt.

Writing our name on befor the T shirt passes to all the schools and finally to Ben.

Well done all Ambassadors.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Dance Club Year R,1,2 and 3

20 children are enjoying Dance Club with Inspire+ coach Michelle. The warm uo to music involved hoops- some musical hoops that shake and rattle adding to the overall effect of the movement.
Everyone taking turns to come into the middle and demonstrate an action using the hoop.
All smiles and happy faces watching each other.
Twirlinng hoops on arms...

skipping with hoops...

hoola hooping...

throwing and catching...

and jumping...

I really enjoying wactching your warm up Dance Club.
I look forward to your performance at 4.10 on May 18th.