Feeling good , ready to play.
Relaxing ...
It was chilly in the wind and shade at times!
Game 1 against Grantham Prep- we lost!
2nd game againstCorby Glen- we won 263 against 206
3rd game against St Sebastians, we won 303 against 224.
4th game against Denton we won 342 against 233.
We came 2nd in our league and had to play Claypole in our final round to finish in joint 5th place.
Natasha saw her chance - left over cakes - yum!
Our team who played brilliantly.
Well done a commendable effort, great bowling, fielding, batting , catching and team work.
League 3 :
Played 4 won 3, lost 1 - 2nd place.
Round 7 playoff for 5th equal place.