Year 4,5 and 6 's club is Tag Rugby with Will .
Here many children have had coaching with Will before and came back to learn more.
For the first time this term they were able to use the field.
4 defenders ready to stop the attackers from scoring.
A 2 handed touch was needed to stop the attacker.
If tagged you were taken out of the run and had to kneel down.
Now into mini games.
The off side rule was not clear so Will and George with Luca try to clarify.
Some great skills today.
Class 2 have a Real PE session on Friday mornings and this term the focus is social skills.Here children are learning the importance of team work, communication, helping each other, listening to others and giving praise and encouragement.All important skills needed across PE and Sport.
Our challenge this week was to cross the river( hall floor) without touching the floor.
Teams had to select there own equipment-harder using small hops and spots, easier with all hoops or large hoops.
Each group gave themselves some degree of challenge .
Once across the river they had to remember to get all the equipment across too!
Helping and supporting each other whilst still having fun!
Success! great team work class 2.