Sunday, 14 October 2018

Gym Year 3 & 4

Mrs James has started coaching her next group: Year 3&4 children.
Teaching correct technique in different skills.

Netball League matches round 2.

With a slightly different team this week  we headed to Priory for our next 2 league matches.

We play TGPS 1st ( the team that will probably be the whole league winners!) and did well to restrict our loss to 7-0.
Our 2nd match against St. Sebastians saw us win 8-0.

A jubilant Holly scoring her 1st goal for the team.

Happy to have won.

A great evening; 2 wins, 2 losses not bad for a completely new team learning their craft.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

High 5 Netball League Matches

We played our first league matches at The Priory School with our new team. Only 3 boys are allowed so as we have 6 boys all capable and keen to play, we had 3 play this week and 3 next week.4

We played St. Mary's first and lost 3-1.
The High 5 Netball rules follow a rotation sheet meaning all players get to play in all 5 positions on court: GA,GS,C,GD,GK allowing skills in each position to be developed.

Our second match was a friendly against TGPS 2nd team which we won 2-1. Our final match was against Great Ponton and we won 2-1 in a very close match.
A good start to the new season.

Cross Country Competition

Our Cross Country team ran their final race at The Meres in better weather than the 2nd race.

The girls team before their race.

The boys team...

our whole team.

Anna had a brilliant final race coming11th to go with 10th in her first race.

Mathilda's 2 best places were her 1st and 2nd races where she came 9th and 8th.

We are waiting for the final results once they have been compiled and I will add them to the blog.

KS 1 Balance Bikes and Balance Skills activities.

We were excited to have our set of 10 balance bikes and helmets arrive . Miss Wade and Mrs Knott had already attended the training sessions teaching them the necessary skills to help the children use the new bikes.
Last week they took the bikes our for the first time and had a fabulous afternoon.

Whilst children used the bikes special core stability and balance activities were completed at the side on the mats.

From our new Reception children up to our year 2's enjoyed learning new skills.

Some were extremely confident .

Thank you Inspire + for giving us the opportunity to buy these and access the training. We used some of our Sports Premium money to buy them.