Our 4 Bronze Sports Ambassadors as voted for by their peers in class 3 attended their first traing meeting at Belton Lane School along with all the other new primary school ambassadors.They were given their T shirts and wrist bands and were introduced to their new roles.
A practical activity to decide which statements were appropriate to their roles and which were not was carried out.Once selected the statements had to put in order of importance in a pyramid with children discussing their reasons.
Our 4 worked with children from another school discussing their reasons.
Inspiring, team work, role models, friendly...all were considered.
Arthur shared the groups top 3 giving the reasons for the choices to Chris.
Next activity was to find out about this years Legacy Challenge that the Ambassadors will be launching later in the year.
All the ambassadors getting ready for a collective photo.
Our 3 smiling away- can you spot them?( Arthur had to leave to attend a sporting event so is not in the final photo).