Friday, 24 November 2017

Ben Smith 401 marathon runner and his visit .

Friday 24th saw Ben Smith Inspire+ ambassador  together with Chris from Inspire + visit us for a special assembly.Our Bronze Sports ambassadors welcomed Ben and introduced him to everyone in the hall - a perfect visitor to end our week learning about Anti Bullying with Ben being an ambassador for anti bullying charities.

Ben asked if we remembered his last visit in 2016 and why he came- we did! He then started to tell us about his new BIG challenge and how he planned to raise £1,000,000 for anti bullying charities.

His first challenge to run 401 marathons in 401 days involved 26 miles every day.How far was this, what could the challenge be?
Ben had lots of thoughts he was willing to put to Ben- to run 1000marathons in 1000days?

Benji guessed Ben had run the equivalent distance of here to New Zealand- this was almost correct as the right answer was from here to Sydney Australia.

This new challenge will involve over 80 miles everyday for 38 days! Ben is planning to run across America in 38 days- a new world record that at present stands at 42 days.He is asking children for their help to plan this year he will return to share his plans for the actual event in 2020.
He asked what things would need to be thought about in order to ensure the challenge could go ahead and for it to be successful.Lots of ideas were put forward and questions were asked.

Harry wanted to know how Ben would fund the trip. Ben told us he sold his house to fund the last challenge and that lots of fund raising would be needed.

Our ambassadors thank Ben and invite him to blow out our candles.

Great first official job ambassadors.

From the serious to the fun...

Back to the serious showing Ben some of the work we have done in our Anti Bullying week.

The ambassasors proud to share what we have been doing.

Cheerleading festival Year 6.

12 Year 6 went to Priory Ruskin to take part in a cheerleading festival.They had a fabulous time as the photos show( I haven't blogged all 88 photos that were taken!).
Arriving and meeting 2 sports ambassadors who will be working with our team. 
Warm up time!

Starting to build our balances and learning the different roles needed with the group to make it safe.

How to be a good base.

All low level at the minute.

Good balance and trust were needed by all.

Starting to put to small groups together to make a larger display.

Adding different moves and balances to create interest.

Putting everything together.

Showing to the other schools what the team produced together.

Now for higher lifts demonstrated by the ambassadors .

Could our team manage them?

Everyone getting into position.

Trust was vital.

Can we put higher level lifts into a group effort?

Yes!Great team work creating these more demanding lifts and balances.

Alice was the highest with James and Alex at the medium height.

A super day enjoyed by all.